Thursday 15 September 2022


A SOCIAL soccer tournament in Binga ended in tragedy after a player fatally hit one of his teammates with a brick following a misunderstanding over an undisclosed issue, police have confirmed.

Matabeleland North police provincial spokesperson Inspector Glory Banda said the incident occurred on Saturday in Nalubuyu area under Chief Binga.

She said Planner Munenge (age not given) of Nalubuyu village and Simbarashe Sibanda (24) from the same area were playing social soccer and after finishing late in the evening, their team officials resolved that all players would sleep over in camp and go home the following day.

The players decided to go for a beer drink at a nearby business centre where a misunderstanding arose between Munenge and Sibanda.

Insp Banda said Munenge hit Sibanda with a brick on the head at around 11pm after they had returned to the camp and he died on the spot.

“I can confirm that we received a case of murder where a man used a brick to fatally assault another. On 10 September, 2022 there was a soccer match at Donga Shopping Centre grounds and the match ended late. Nalubuyu team officials decided that team players would spend the night at the camp,” said Insp Banda.

He said Sibanda and Munenge had a misunderstanding.

“The accused then allegedly struck the now deceased with a brick on the head. Onlookers tried to render first aid, to no avail as he died moments later,” said Insp Banda. A report was made to the police leading to Sibanda’s arrest. Insp Banda warned members of the public to desist from violence, which usually leads to death.

“Members of the public should value the sanctity of life. They should not engage in violence as a way of solving disputes. Cases of murder are on the rise in Matabeleland North and it is incumbent upon us to engage third parties when we have problems,” he said. Chronicle


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