Monday 5 September 2022


A 66-YEAR-OLD man hanged himself at his house in Bulawayo after complaining of poor health.

Jabulani Zondo’s grandson (10) found him hanging and alerted his son Muzomuhle (30), who cut him down but it was too late to save his life.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the incident which occurred on Friday at around 11.40AM in Nketa 6 suburb.

Muzomuhle asked his father how he was feeling, when he got home.

Insp Ncube said Zondo, a diabetes patient, said he was unwell and went to his bedroom.

His grandson later stumbled on him hanging from a roof truss.

The toddler rushed to inform Muzomuhle who rushed with a knife which he used to cut off the twine rope in an attempt to save his father’s life and the body fell to the floor.

Muzomuhle called an ambulance and the crew pronounced Zondo dead.

Zondo’s wife told police that: “In the early hours of that day, the now deceased had jokingly enquired on how long a person can take to die when he commits suicide and I ignored him.”

Insp Ncube urged members of the public to share their problems with others and to approach local counsellors, church leaders and relevant people to avoid such tragedies, as committing suicide is not a solution to any problem.  Chronicle


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