Tuesday 6 September 2022


Five Harare workers including municipal police officers have been arrested for stealing 91 bulk water metres worth US$40 000 after they broke into council premises, working in cahoots with two other suspects.

The employees, stationed at the council waterworks are Special Tambudze (39), Dzidzai Kufakunei (47), Marcos Madamu (51), Evans Chikombo (32), and Killan Tafa (56).

They were allegedly working with two other suspects Samson Muchingami (46) and locksmith Augustine Muchanyuri (37).

The seven accused persons have since appeared before Harare Magistrate, Yeukai Dzuda. Allegations are that between December 8 and 15, last year, Tambudze, Tafa and Muchingami connived to break into council premises to steal the bulk water meters.

Council police officers manning the premises, Tafa, Madamu, Chikombo, and yet to be arrested Chaka and Ngoma, let their accomplices into the premises.

Muchingami, then assisted the accused persons to tamper with the triple lock key of the storeroom to gain entry. They then proceeded to loot 91 bulk water meters, before fleeing the scene. Informant reported the theft to police on December 18 last year.

On August 25 this year, Tambudze, Kufakunei and Muchingami were arrested and implicated their accomplices who were also arrested. The State has since opposed bail arguing stolen goods were of high value to council and the public.

State witness, Pardon Mutisi, a Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officer, testified against accused persons telling the court 30 out of the 91 stolen bulk meters were recovered from suspects.

The court also heard there were six other witnesses, and Tafa was a close friend of two key witnesses that he is suspected to have given the metres for safekeeping.

State also argued that Tafa had similar pending court cases of the same nature, committed at the waterworks department. Herald


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