Saturday 10 September 2022


 PRESIDENT Mnangagwa has removed Justice Edith Mushore from the office of Judge of the High Court following an inquiry into acts of misconduct.

Justice Mushore has not reported for duty for more than a year without official leave, with her cases on the bench allocated to other judges.

Last week, the President received findings of the investigation of Justice Mushore’s year-long absence, from a tribunal chaired by retired judge Justice Maphios Cheda.

In a statement yesterday, acting Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr Martin Rushwaya said: “The Tribunal which was inquiring into the question of removal from office of Honourable Justice Edith Mushore in terms of Section 187 (3) of the Constitution has completed its work.

“The Tribunal has reported its finding to His Excellency, the President, Cde Dr E.D Mnangagwa, and has recommended that Honourable Justice Mushore be removed from the office of a judge for acts of misconduct.”

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) this year recommended a tribunal to determine whether Justice Mushore should continue as a judicial officer.

Efforts to contact her have been to no avail, as her whereabouts remain unknown.

Before the matter was taken to the JSC, both the Judge President and Chief Justice battled to get an explanation from Justice Mushore.

Initially, when she was asked to explain her absence from work last year, Justice Mushore said she was unwell, but failed to produce a sick note.

She was appointed to the bench in 2015. Sunday Mail


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