Monday 5 September 2022


A 12-YEAR-OLD boy was electrocuted at the Luna Park during the Zimbabwe Agricultural Show on Saturday.

Police said the boy touched the metal body of an electric swing known as the paratrooper and was electrocuted.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said: “The ZRP reports a sad incident in which a 12-year-old boy was electrocuted after he touched the metal body of an electric swing known as paratrooper on September 3, 2022 at Zimbabwe Agricultural Show Luna Park, Harare.

“The victim died upon arrival at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals. Investigations are in progress”.

Meanwhile, Asst Comm Nyathi said police in Ruwa are investigating a case of murder in which a three-year-old girl died on Saturday at Mabvazuva after she was assaulted with a belt by her uncle, Ronald Moda, last Friday.

“The victim had allegedly messed herself after falling ill and this did not go down well with the suspect. The suspect is on the run,” he said. Herald


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