Wednesday 21 September 2022


The assault trial of Tendai Biti continued today with him shifting goal posts again.

The under pressure politician is now blaming the Justice Service Commission representatives for plotting against him.

Biti is facing charges of manhandling a Zimbabwean investor Mrs Tatiana Aleshina at the Harare Magistrates Court.

The CCC legislator has been blaming everyone but himself from the onset of this assault case. He is on record alleging the infringement of his rights by the ruling party, Government officials, media representatives, and the security forces.

Today, he submitted that his rights to a fair trial before an impartial tribunal were infringed, and he wrote a letter of complaint to the prosecutor.

In response to Biti’s allegations, the magistrate has been on record, ordering Biti to submit relevant evidence to the assault case, and to expedite the proceedings.

Ever since the trial commenced a year ago, Biti had been making applications to have Mr Reza and Mrs Muchuchuti recused from handling his case.

So far it has been two months with him making an application for referral of this matter to the Constitutional Court in what legal experts view as a deliberate attempt to delay court proceedings. Herald


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