Thursday 18 August 2022


Four Chitungwiza robbers have been arrested with the latest two caught, Kudzaishe Ruvimbo Charuka and Melody Rwisai, appearing in court yesterday for remand on armed robbery charges.

Magistrate Yeukai Dzuda remanded them in custody to Monday next week. Bail was opposed because one of the suspects, Davison Chinopenga, could not attend court because he is unwell.

The latest two accused are connected to the case of Davison Chinopenga and Patricia Mutedzi and the four are suspected to have been the same gang responsible for a raid on a house that saw them steal cash and appliances worth US$ 2 757 plus R1 000 cash after assaulting the occupant.

The State represented by Anesu Chirenje alleges that Charuka, Rwisai, Mutedzi and Chinopenga went to a house armed with iron bars, harmers and a broomstick.

Upon arrival, the gang allegedly forced open the main door and went into the bedroom where they threatened the complainant, a woman, and threatened to kill her if she did not hand over cash.

They then assaulted her with iron bars until she handed over a cash box containing US$1 775 and R1 000. The gang then ransacked the house stealing an HP laptop, two Huawei Mate 8 cellphones, a Techno spark 8 cellphone and a small Techno cellphone.

The gang then ordered the woman and other occupants of the house to cover themselves with a blanket and they left the scene.

A stolen Huawei Mate 8 cellphone was later recovered from Chinopenga’s girlfriend and Mutedzi was implicated as the driver of their getaway vehicle. From the property stolen, only US$80 was recovered. Herald


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