Wednesday 31 August 2022


Police in Mberengwa are hunting for a suspect who reportedly fatally axed a man who was watching a football match at a Business Centre.

Sibonginkosi Matavire Pisa reportedly died on the spot after being axed twice in the head and once in the back by one Gina Mangena for no apparent reason.

Police confirmed they are now hunting for Mangena who disappeared into the bush after committing the crime.

Acting Midlands Provincial Spokesperson, Assistant Inspector Fungai Ngawagare said the now deceased was watching football at Mandava Business Centre when tragedy struck.

“Pisa was watching football at Chauke Bar and at about 530PM when he went outside the bar and sat on the veranda. The accused approached him from behind holding an axe and without saying a word, struck him twice on the head and once on the back with the axe,” said Ass Inspector Ngawagare.

Soon after committing the crime, Mangena reportedly disappeared into the bush prompting police to launch a manhunt.

The body of the deceased was ferried to Mberengwa Hospital Mortuary where it awaits postmortem.

Police urged members of the public to desist from using violence in solving disputes. Chronicle


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