Tuesday 9 August 2022


MDC-T leader Douglas Mwonzora has said he will announce the party’s elective congress dates in the next few days as pressure mounts on him to hold the meeting.

Mwonzora has been accused of dithering on the holding of congress, allegedly fearing ouster.

Reports indicate that party chairperson Morgen Komichi, vice-president Elias Mudzuri and ordinary party member Norest Marara are eyeing the MDC-T presidency.

The party’s standing committee had reportedly proposed July 2 for the congress, but Mwonzora allegedly refused to give the nod.

In an interview with NewsDay at the National Heroes Acre in the capital on Monday, Mwonzora said he was going to announce the congress dates in a few days’ time.

”I am going to announce the congress dates in a few days’ time. We are almost 65% through preparing for the congress,” he said.

“We are going to invite the media when we announce the dates. We want everyone in the party to prepare for the congress. We want the best candidate to win at the congress.”

However, sources in the party accused Mwonzora of campaigning before the congress dates were made public, effectively giving him an unfair advantage over other contestants.

“If we start to campaign, (we are) going to be disqualified. Mwonzora is using his position as the sitting president to campaign, while not allowing other candidates to do the same,” sources said.

The MDC-T is set to hold its elective congress amid divisions following the party’s humiliating electoral defeat in the March 26 by-elections.

The party failed to get a single council or parliamentary seat.

There have also been reports of some members deserting the party amid claims that Mwonzora has embarked on a witch-hunt to expel critics.

Mwonzora seized control of the MDC-T after a bruising court battle with former party president now Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa.

After the courts declared Chamisa not the legitimate MDC-T president, Mwonzora went on to claim the MDC names and symbols, including MDC Alliance after elbowing out his former deputy Thokozani Khupe. Khupe has since crossed the floor to CC. Newsday


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