Tuesday 30 August 2022


At least 3 500 delegates are expected to attend the inaugural Zanu PF War Veterans League conference, with accreditation starting today, the party’s secretary for war veterans Cde Douglas Mahiya has said.

Foreign delegates from sister revolutionary parties such as South West Africa People’s Organisation (Swapo) of Namibia, Chama Cha Mapinduzi of Tanzania, Frelimo of Mozambique, African National Congress of South Africa, Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), Malawi Congress Party, Communist Party of China, Russian Conservative Political Party will attend the conference.

Speaking soon after Harare Province’s special Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) yesterday, Cde Mahiya said preparations were well on course.

“Preparations for the War Veterans Conference are at an advanced stage,” he said.

“We are well on course. Accreditation is starting (tomorrow) today throughout the country.

“Members are being accredited in their respective provinces. We want to ensure that the number of delegates who are supposed to come are accredited.”

Cde Mahiya said war veterans were excited with the recognition accorded to them by President Mnangagwa.

“We have invited war veterans from SADC, Africa and our friends the Chinese, Russia and many others,” said Cde Mahiya.

“Harare province has called a special PCC meeting to introduce the newly elected war veterans provincial executive. I thank the President for according the war veterans this precious opportunity of their life.

“The province is also revisited its strategies and mobilisation to win in the 2023 harmonised general elections. We have agreed that we shall base our mobilisation strategies from the cell and ensure that every member of a household is a Zanu PF member.”

The inaugural conference will be held from September 9 to 10, with 40 positions up for grabs.

Zanu PF Harare provincial chairman Cde Godwills Masimirembwa said the PCC was meant to introduce members of the War Veterans League.

“Last week, we held the inaugural provincial conference of the War Veterans League where the 40 members who came from the six zones of Harare province were then slotting each other into various positions,” he said.

“Cde Patrick Zinyakatira emerged as chairman of the War Veterans League for Harare Metropolitan province.”

Cde Masimirembwa commended President Mnangagwa for introducing the league after more than 40 years of Independence starting in 2019 at the Goromonzi Annual National People’s Conference.

Zanu PF Women’s League Secretary for External Affairs Cde Betty Kaseke, who also attended the special PCC meeting, said the coming of the War Veterans League will help to mobilise five million votes ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections.

“We are very happy that we now have the War Veterans League in Harare province,” she said.

“Mobilisation strategies were the major issues discussed in the meeting on how we are going to achieve the five million votes come 2023 harmonised elections.” Herald


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