A 29-year-old man from Siwara Village, Chief Musara in Masvingo will serve five months behind bars after cutting his sister’s boyfriend dreadlocks with a machete.
Trymore Tafirenyika was initially sentenced to ten months
imprisonment before Magistrate Grace Tupiri suspended five months on condition
that he does not commit a similar offence in the next five years.
The state case as presented by Prosecutor Nixon Chamisa was
that on June 11 this year Tafirenyika found William Tinago (21) sitting with
his sister Tendai Tafirenyika (19) in her bedroom.
On the following day Tendai informed her brother Trymore
that she could not find some US$20, suspecting that Tinago has stolen it.
Trymore allegedly went to Tinago’s residence armed with a
machete and upon arrival he started assaulting Tinago while cutting his
dreadlocks with the machete.
Tinago managed to escape and reported the matter to the
police. TellZimNews
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