Wednesday, 5 May 2021


THERE was drama at Chinhoyi main bus terminus when two touts fought over control of a bus stop space.

The crowd gathered to witness the violence. H-Metro witnessed the two touts in action.

A tout who refused to be identified told H-Metro the fight was triggered by one of the touts who had quit touting at the main bus stop and later resurfaced from nowhere claiming ownership of the illegal bus stop.

This did not go down well with one of the touts who had assumed ownership of the space and in a fit of rage punched the unsuspecting other tout in the face and he nearly fell down.

As a result, the two then engaged in a fierce fight drawing the attention of the public. “Hondo iyi yakonzerwa naOnias Mhembere. Akange asisashandire pano asi nhasi tozoshamisika ave kuti adzoka panzvimbo pake.

“Izvi hazvina kufadza Theo. Pasina chinguva Mhembere, abva akanda chematsenganzungu kuna Theo. Izvi zvabva zvapa Theo hasha vaviri vakaumburudzana nezvibhakera,” said the tout.

He said they had to restrain the two from further inflicting harm on each other. George Kagoro of Hunyani Section urged the police to crack a whip on touts who are causing havoc and mayhem at the bus station.

Kagoro said most of the times, the touts don’t respect commuters. “I want to urge the police to crack down on these touts who are now becoming a nuisance in Chinhoyi,” said Kagoro.

A senior citizen Modercai Tumbare, implored the local authority and the police to be tough with the touts.

He underscored the need to maintain a clean and safe environment, while at the same time maintaining law and order by removing the touts from all bus stop areas in Chinhoyi.

“Mwanangu, tinokumbira hurumende nevekwakatsekera kuti vabvise mahwindi ayo arikukonzeresa manyongori uye nekushungurudza vanhu. Zuro mumwe mudzimai vakamukakatirana vachimumanikidza kukwira tsviriyo yavo,” he said. H Metro


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