Friday, 7 May 2021


FOR several years she has stayed with her husband, not because she wants to, but because she has no option.

Gertrude Dube from Sigola Village made shocking revelations that her husband Mxolisi Dube disciplines her with an axe.

Whenever they have misunderstandings Mxolisi reportedly beats her using the handle of the axe then threatens to use the axe to kill her, forcing her to behave in a manner that pleases him.

The issue came to light after Mxolisi axed Gertrude on her left leg and she had to be rushed to hospital for treatment.

“The risk of death was high in her case because she was bleeding profusely. The fact that death did not occur was entirely a matter of good fortune and we are glad the incident was reported to the police,” said a relative privy to the issue.  

The village head of the area, Mehluli Ndlovu confirmed the case. “Gertrude stays with her husband and two children in their homestead. We were scared because the husband is very violent. Recently he axed Gertrude and as we speak, she is in hospital,” said Ndlovu.

He added: “Mxolisi was always fighting with neighbours and he also threatened to kill people. Since he was in the habit of threatening to kill everyone it’s a relief he got arrested.” B Metro


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