A magistrate’s court at Mwenezi was forced to adjourn on Thursday after a sex starved wife of an Agritex officer who last made love to her husband three years ago wept deeply in court.
Siphelile Maroyi the wife to Rindai Tsvairai wailed in the
middle of civil matter after declaring that her husband was lying that he still
loves her.
She said that her husband’s love went cold three years ago
and since then she never bedded him. Maroyi said Tsvairai had since married
another wife and stopped caring for his children.
Mwenezi Resident Magistrate Honesty Musiiwa stopped the
proceeding and he only resumed the hearing when Maroyi had cooled off.
Maroyi had approached the court for protection order which
she was granted. She accused her husband of domestic violence
She said that her husband recently came in the company of
his niece to collect a refrigerator, sofas and other goods from the company
house which they used to stay at Neshuro and when she asked them to stop, the
relative threatened to beat her.
She also accused her husband of squandering the wealth that
the two had accumulated together. She said that they had 115 herd of cattle and
these were being sold by Tsvairai.
The wife told the court that they had 115 herds of cattle
which Tsvairai flatly refused and said only 15 cattle are in their stock card.
Tsvairai said his wife refused to go and stay at their
rural home after they left the company house. Masvingo Mirror
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