Wednesday, 26 May 2021


Harare magistrate Vongai Guwuriro yesterday dismissed journalist Hopewell Chin’ono’s application for exception to the public violence charge, saying the issues raised against him have to be heard in a trial.

Chin’ono’s trial on charges of inciting public violence kicked off last week where he applied for an exception to the charges, arguing that he had no case to answer. The journalist was represented by lawyer Gift Mtisi.

The State alleges that Chin’ono incited the public, through his Twitter handle, to participate in public violence ahead of the foiled July 31 protests last year.

Chin’ono pleaded not guilty to incitement to participate in a gathering with intent to promote violence, breach of peace or bigotry or alternatively incitement to commit public violence.

Last month, the High Court quashed his other charge of communicating false information, saying the law used to arrest him in January no longer existed.


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