Tuesday, 4 May 2021


FORMER Harare mayor Herbert Gomba yesterday appeared in court on a fresh charge of criminal abuse of office after he allegedly authorised the sale of a stand belonging to Mt Pleasant Golf Club.

Gomba was granted $20 000 bail and had his matter remanded to May 26 by magistrate Stanford Mambanje. The former mayor is also facing several corruption charges.

It is the State’s case that sometime in August 2019, Gomba allegedly unlawfully used his position and offered stand number 402 Vainona Township for sale to Hardspec Investments represented by Mavis Madzivanzira and Pauline Gutsa.

Gomba allegedly then instructed council’s acting finance director Stanley Ndemera to meet Madzivanzira and Gutsa in order to show then the stand in question and prepare an agreement of sale.

He allegedly also instructed councillor Luckson Mukunguma, who was the chairperson of the finance committee, to have the stand issue discussed in a full council meeting. The full council meeting allegedly approved the sale to Hardspec Investments.

Further allegations were that the stand was then leased to Mount Pleasant Sports Club for 30 years in a contract which is expected to expire in 2035.

Gomba faces charges of allegedly showing favour to Hardspec Investments. Netsai Mushayabasa appeared for the State. Newsday


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