FORMER Zanu PF youth leader Kudzanai Chipanga has bounced back into mainstream politics after he was cleared by the ruling party’s Manicaland provincial executive, and now awaits politburo endorsement.
This announcement was made during the party’s provincial
co-ordinating committee (PCC) meeting held in Mutare last
week. Other former members seeking to revert to Zanu PF are
ex-provincial youth member Taurai
Chiripamberi and James Kaunye, who had defected to former Vice-President Joice
Mujuru’s Zimbabwe People First party.
The PCC meeting was attended by Information minister Monica
Mutsvangwa, provincial chairperson Mike Madiro and former Finance minister
Patrick Chinamasa.
“The issue of Kudzi Chipanga and others was tabled at the
PCC meeting and in his remarks, comrade Patrick Chinamasa noted that if
Chipanga was endorsed in his Makoni district, then the province had no
objection. In fact the province had no objection,” said a party official, who
refused to be named. Another source weighed in saying the names would now be
forwarded to the politburo for consideration.
Madiro said he was not at liberty to disclose the names of
those cleared to rejoin the party, adding that it was an internal process.
“Yes, we had a PCC, but on the issues of the names, it’s an
internal process and I am not at liberty to disclose the names of the people
concerned, which are forwarded to the party leadership for consideration,” he
said. “Yes, as Zanu PF, we have names of people who have applied to be
re-admitted to the party because they are happy with the vision of the party.”
Chipanga was fired by Zanu PF in 2017 together with several
other members aligned to the G40 cabal at the height of Zanu PF factional
Zanu PF is currently re-admitting its expelled members and
also taking in disgruntled opposition supporters in preparation for the 2023
elections. Newsday
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