A HOMELESS man from Bulawayo allegedly stole groceries and beer at a supermarket in the city centre worth more than $800.
Abraham Ngonidzashe Dube (54) entered Sai Mart Lobengula
Street supermarket and took 10kg ACE maize meal, one loaf of Premium Bakers’
bread, 500mls of Amas milk, and one Chibuku super beer, which he stashed in a
shopping bag.
Dube neglected to pay at the till and he was intercepted by
the security guards manning the exit point. He pleaded guilty to one charge of
theft when he appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Ms Rachel Mukanga.
Asked why he had committed the offence by Ms Mukanga, he
said he was confused and did not know what really happened. Ms Mukanga remanded
Dube in custody to May 6 and ordered him to be examined by two psychiatrists
before the trial date. The prosecutor, Ms Ashley Dube said Dube stole the
groceries on April 17 at around 5PM.
“The accused person entered the shop and took 10kg ACE
maize mealie meal, one loaf of Premium Bakers’ bread, 500mls of Amas milk and
one of 1,25l of Chibuku Super beer and concealed them inside a plastic bag.
The suspect deliberately proceeded to the exit without
paying for the goods and was arrested,” said Ms Dube. The value of the stolen
groceries and beer is $817 and all was recovered. Chronicle
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