AN elderly woman yesterday caused a scene when she joined people baying for the blood of a woman they accused of duping them of their money under a pyramid scheme in Epworth.
Grace Samson, 63, shouted on top of her voice at Mai
Kadzviti’s house where a number of people were gathered demanding refunds of
the money they contributed to a pyramid scheme run by four members namely
Moddie, Priscilla, Mai Kadzviti and Murambi.
Gogo Samson went on to attack a police special constabulary
only identified as Chihera based at Sunway City Police Base accusing her of
collecting her US$1 promising to address her issues with the three pyramid
She said the money she contributed to the pyramid was meant
for her medication. “Nhasi handisikubva pano kusvikira Mai Kadzviti, Moddie,
Murambi naPriscilla vandidzosera mari yangu yavakadya.
“I sacrificed the little that I had expecting to reap more
as promised only to leave me spending days without mealie meal. I am the one
who came and joined the scheme using three names with the intention to raise
money for medication since I am losing sight.
“I paid US$60 and they promised me US$280 after joining
other members into the scheme. “Ndakazongonzwa vakuti chave payellow chave
pawhite, saka inini ndakuda zvangu sixty dollars yangu yandakavapa
zveyekuberekana iyo handisisina basa nayo nekuti ndirikuda mari yekurapwa
maziso angu.
“Moddie nevamwe vako hamuna mwoyo,” said Gogo Samson. “Ndirikuda
60 dollars yangu yandakanyoresa ndichishandisa mazita matatu vandivimbisa kuti
ndinozowana 280 United States dollars.
“Chihera mupurisa akandibhadharisa dollar achivimbisa vanhu
kuti anoita kuti vadzoserwe mari dzavo vese ngavadzose mari yangu,” she said.
Mai Kadzviti and her team fled the scene and people
threatened to set Baba Kadzviti’s car on fire if Mai Kadzviti refused to refund
their money.
“We are going to burn your car because you bought this from
our hard earned money collected by Mai Kadzviti,” one of the victims was heard
“Kana pasina izvozvo landlord wako ngaabudise zvinhu zvenyu
mumba muenda kwamakatenga stand nemari dzedu,” she said.
Another victim told H-Metro that her marriage is at stake
following the money she contributed to the pyramid without the blessings of her
“My husband threatened to take me to my parents if I do not
bring the money I contributed to the pyramid behind his back,” she said.
Baba Kadzviti told H-Metro that he bought his vehicle from
touting denying taking any dollar from the pyramid.
“To be honest my wife who disappeared from the scene was
lured into the pyramid by one of the ladies and she is the one with the money,”
said Baba Kadzviti.
“I bought this car from proceeds of my touting for
passengers at bus ranks. I am not a thief as these people want you to believe. “Moddie
is the one behind this pyramid and some of the people have since benefited from
the scheme,” he said.
Moddie, Priscilla, and Mai Kadzviti disappeared from the
scene and people ran after them demanding their money and could not answer
calls when contacted for their side of the story.
Chihera could not be reached for comment, however some
residents requested for awareness campaigns against these pyramids which they
said have left a number of Epworth residents crying.
One teacher recently duped more than 200 Epworth residents
through the same scheme. H Metro
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