A LOVE affair with a married neighbour has cost a Harare woman her marriage after her husband exposed her during a “surprise birthday party” where her relatives were gathered.
Martha Mashizha was recently sent packing by her husband
Tafadzwa Alimoso, a haulage truck driver, after being exposed for cheating with
their neighbour, Danmore Matika. Mashizha was forced to leave the family house
in Glen View without her belongings and her relatives were reported to have
followed in shame.
Matika — a businessman based at Glen View Area 8 Complex —
confirmed sending love messages to Mashizha, but said the latter had four other
“It is true that my messages to Mashizha were exposed, but
her husband has not confronted me about it,” said Matika. “From what I have
discovered, Mashizha has been seeing four other men and this was also exposed.
“I have since stopped communicating with her and I heard
that she was forced to pack her bags, but some of her belongings are still
“From what I heard, it was not her first time to be exposed
and she was forgiven before; maybe she might come back,” said Matika.
He told H-Metro that Alimoso’s brothers and sisters teamed
up to beat up his workers without confronting him.
“On the day in question, Alimoso’s team deflated my vehicle
tyres and I am yet to lodge a police report against them since they are now
facing assault charges against my workers.
“They claimed that they were looking for me and the case is
under police investigation. “Vakasvika pabasa pangu vachinzi vaida kundirova
vakawana ndisipo kwavakurova vashandi vangu asi ini ndinogara panext door.
“The whole neighbourhood is awash with the story, but to be
honest, none of them decided to seek my comment about it.
“Thank you H-Metro for seeking my side of the story and I
am not happy with the attack on my workers considering that I stay next to
their house.”
A visit to Alimoso’s place saw him in a meeting with his
relatives that included his mother and he confirmed the story.
“Yes, there is an issue with our neighbour, but I want to
know the person or people who took it to the media nekuti ini handiite zvemanewspaper,”
said Alimoso.
“You can pen down what you have been told by those people
talking about it and I will not allow any of my relatives including my mother
to give a comment about it,” said Alimoso.
“Ndiye Taffy wacho ari kutaurwa nezvake; saka mamuona uye
manzwawo zvaataura?”
Alimoso’s mother said soon after his comment. Mashizha, a
mother of four, could not be reached for comment and was reported to have been
taken to her village.
One of the neighbours had no kind words for Alimoso, who
would lie to his wife that he had gone to work for days.
“No, we do not support Mashizha’s illicit affair, but
Alimoso has been taking days claiming to be at work leaving his wife
sex-starved. We need our husbands close
to us daily,” she said. H Metro
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