Thursday, 2 April 2020


THE Environmental Management Agency (EMA) has said people must restrict this month’s National Clean-up Day to cleaning up their homes this Friday from 8AM to 10AM due to the lockdown aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19.

The agency said in compliance with the nation’s strategy to combat the pandemic, people won’t be gathering at various points but they should not forget to take care of the environment.

The organisation’s education and publicity manager, Ms Amkela Sidange, yesterday said waste generation at the household level is bound to increase during this period when families are at home.

She said it was important for people to prioritise the sorting of waste at their homes to recover recyclable and compost biodegradable materials.  Ms Sidange said this reduces residual waste accumulating in the environment.

“This National Clean-up Day occurs when the entire global village and our country Zimbabwe are seized with the ramifications of the novel Covid-19,” said Ms Sidange.

“This calls for all citizens to take time to reflect on our waste management practices as a country, redefine them and admit that a clean environment is essential for a healthy nation.

“With the lockdown now in earnest in the country and calls for everyone to stay at home and be safe from Covid-19, let’s therefore take time to clean within our households especially our back yards as from 0800 to 1000hours, this April National Clean-up day.” 

The official also urged local authorities to take advantage of the deserted Central Business Districts (CBDs) and other critical areas including markets during the lockdown and clear all dumps, empty bins, maintain a regular waste collection schedule and generally sanitise those areas.

She said such a move among other things will help to build sustainably clean cities and communities.

Ms Sidange said EMA remains resolute in its efforts to achieve a clean, safe and healthy environment as provided for in the Constitution.

“As we intensify our efforts as a country towards the fight against Covid-19, it is imperative that we maintain a clean and healthy environment hence we encourage all of us to take part in creating a clean environment, and also stay safe from Covid-19. Let’s promote a clean environment for a healthy nation,” she said. Chronicle


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