Sunday, 22 March 2020


A Glendale-based Chinese mining company is allegedly forcing workers to stay at the mine for fear that they will spread the coronavirus.

Some of the workers were allegedly suspended from work for two months after they defied the order.

The company’s general manager, only identified as Neyma or “Bigger Boss”, said management met with workers who volunteered to stay at the mine in a bid to avoid mixing with other people who might be infected with the coronavirus.

“We put this precautionary measure as a way of minimising the spread of the pandemic,” he said.

“Our workers volunteered as you have heard in South Africa the disease is already wreaking havoc. So we do not want these workers to bring the virus here.”
Neyma confirmed the suspension of the workers that ignored the directive.

“The management will decide on that matter, but we did not fire them as alleged,” he said. “They are on suspension.

“Even the president of this country called for the closure of colleges and schools so our case is not a special one.”

But workers alleged that they were being abused by their employer.

“We are being abused by these people,” said one of the workers who requested to remain anonymous.

“For the past three days we are being forced to sleep in a workshop and it’s overcrowded.”

Another employee said he was suspended after he told management that he wanted to have time with his family.

“I was suspended from work because I requested to see my family and they told me to choose between work and family,” he claimed.

“So I decided to go to my family.” Rechel Sosera, the district medical officer for Concession, said she was not aware of the case, and that the area had no confirmed coronavirus cases. Standard


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