POLICE have said a Njube High School teacher who allegedly
incited pupils to demonstrate against an increase in fees and teachers’ “poor
salaries” last Monday, is still on the run.
Brian Mutsiba, a science teacher at the school, is alleged
to have incited 153 pupils to march from their school located in Njube suburb
claiming teachers had abandoned lessons due to poor salaries.
The pupils are also
said to have been protesting against the increase in school fees from $92 to
$440 per term.
The pupils left their school located in Njube suburb,
marched to Siyephambili Drive before heading towards the city using Luveve
They made a U-turn near Entumbane Complex after their
headmaster ordered them to return to school.
Prior to taking to the streets, the pupils are said to have
removed the country’s flag from the school and used it to wipe their shoes
before waving it around during their demonstration.
Mutsiba who allegedly incited the pupils, is said to have
ditched the learners at the school gate before vanishing.
The teacher is wanted by police to answer to charges of
participating in a public gathering with intent to promote public violence,
breach of peace, or bigotry and insulting the flag.
National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul
Nyathi said on Friday that they are yet to locate Mutsiba.
“We have not arrested the teacher and investigations to locate
him are still ongoing,” said Asst Comm Nyathi.
He said police were working with Ministry of Primary and
Secondary Education to get to the bottom of the matter.
Bulawayo acting provincial education director Mrs Olicah
Kaira could not be reached for comment as her cellphone was not reachable.
Last Monday she said she was going to submit a report to
the Education Secretary Mrs Tumisang Thabela. Chronicle
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