Sunday 7 April 2019


The MDC has moved to conduct provincial congresses, yesterday North America held its Provincial Congress successfully and nominated leaders for standing committee positions, the national Youth and Women's Assemblies.

The same process will happen today the 7th of April 2019 in Matebeleland South. Nominations are being done in line with the MDC Constitution.

Those nominated will then be allowed to campaign freely, for now members are not at a stage of canvassing as a requirement of the Constitution.

The Provincial Congresses follow successful conducting of branch,ward and district Congresses. The MDC has since fine tuned mechanism on dispute resolution as well as establishing a framework to handle any violent behavior.

This includes drafting an elaborate code of conduct for all who are nominated as candidates. Any acts of violence or breach of the code of conduct will be dealt with without fear or favour, proportionate with the offense and in line with party statutes.

The MDC Congress must be peaceful, fair, civil and democratic. We are setting a stage for strengthening a people's alternative and defining a new course for Zimbabwe.

Jacob Mafume
MDC National Spokesperson


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