Kasambarare (35), of Woodlands Farmnear the mining town, consumed a pesticide
and died on his way to hospital following an argument over sending his younger
brother, Machiel, to fetch some firewood.
Chinovava (30) reportedly queried why her husband was delegating all household
duties to his young brother, while he spent most of his time drinking beer.
Central police spokesperson Inspector Milton Mundembe confirmed the incident. “I
can confirm a sudden death by a drunken man in Bindura, who consumed a
pesticide after a misunderstanding with his wife over household chores,” he
Mudapakati, the mother of the deceased, said she was told by her late son that
he consumed the pesticide because his wife saw him as a useless person.
“My son came to
me soon after consuming the pesticide and told me that he had been labelled as
useless by his wife. So he wanted to prove to her that he was useless by
committing suicide. We tried to rush him to the hospital, but he died along the
way,” Mudapakati said. Newsday
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