Monday 18 March 2019


GOVERNMENT has disbursed $50 million to assist victims of Cyclone Idai and to restore infrastructure destroyed by the disaster.

In a letter addressed to the Secretary for Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, Mr George Magosvongwe, his Finance and Economic Development counterpart Mr George Guvamatanga confirmed the disbursement.

“In the aftermaths of Cyclone Idai, key infrastructure in Manicaland and Masvingo provinces has been severely damaged and affected families require urgent assistance in the form of medical support, clothing and food among other needs,” reads part of the letter. 

“We note that Government, through National Civil Protection Unit, is already on the ground to determine urgent interventions needed to save lives and provide immediate relief for the affected citizens.

“To facilitate work on the ground, Treasury is disbursing $50 million for emergency work and restoration works being undertaken by implementing agencies on the ground.”

The department of roads was given $25 million for trunk roads and bridges that were washed away and other structures while $3 million was disbursed for operational expenditures for emergency and recovery works by the Civil Protection Unit.

Another $7, 2 million was allocated to the District Development Fund for rural feeder roads and $4 million was given to the education sector for reconstruction of destroyed school infrastructure.
The Ministry of Health and Child Care got $3 million for medical supplies and establishment of mobile clinics and another $2 million was allocated to DDF for drilling and rehabilitation of boreholes.

The Zimbabwe National Water Authority and ZETDC got a combined $5, 8 million for rehabilitation of water supply infrastructure and restoration of electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure. Herald


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