Monday 13 August 2018


Government has appointed a three-member commission to preside over the affairs of Harare City Council before the swearing in of a new council.

The caretaker commission was appointed in terms of section 80 of the Urban Councils Act.
The commission is chaired by Bella Manyakara. The other two members are Shingai Mutumbwa and one C Kampila.

“The commission will preside over Harare on an interim basis until the new council is sworn in. The commission will not make any far reaching decisions on behalf of council without consulting Government and shall not engage in land/ stands allocations,” Harare City Council said in a notice.

“According to a memo from government, the commission is barred from entering into agreements involving joint ventures and will not engage in acquisition or disposal of council property. The commission will not recruit new staff and is barred from dealing with tenders.” Daily News


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