Wednesday 2 May 2018


Zanu PF Makokoba MP Tshinga Dube’s recent electoral victory in the party’s primary elections might be short-lived after another losing candidate, Peter Baka Nyoni, sought nullification of the results claiming the polls were marred by several irregularities.

Nyoni’s appeal came after another contender, Nothiwani Dlodlo, cried foul, accusing the MP of vote-buying, bussing and intimidation of voters and other candidates.

Nyoni yesterday wrote to the party’s national political commissar, Engelbert Rugeje appealing to register his complaint, saying hundreds of his supporters were denied the right to vote due to alleged manipulation of the voters’ roll.

“My position and that of my supporters is that the party’s commitment to free fair, credible and transparent elections has been violated blatantly in our own election process,” he wrote.

“The election that happened and its outcome, whatever the figures, stands discredited and as a monument of shame to our revolutionary party, as it became an election with only one candidate and his supporters, whose cells were the only ones submitted for verification by four district chairman and commissars, who were and remain only loyal to him.”

Nyoni said he initially contacted provincial elections co-ordinator George Nare, who referred him to Rugeje.

He appealed to the party to order a re-run of primary elections in Makokoba constituency. 


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