Tuesday 22 May 2018


AN MDC Alliance supporter from Bulawayo has been arrested for allegedly assaulting two people at a polling station at Amakhosi Grounds in Gwabalanda suburb.

Wayne Mpala (22) from Gwabalanda suburb allegedly kicked Mrs Alettah Zvavamwe on the thigh and pushed Mr Nephat Sibanda on Saturday at Amakhosi Grounds polling station following an argument among the MDC Alliance supporters during the Alliance’s primary elections.

The argument, which led to Mpala assaulting Mrs Zvavamwe, was allegedly triggered when Mrs Zvavamwe and some MDC Alliance members had inquired why some people who were not from Gwabalanda were casting their votes.

Later on in the day, Mpala allegedly pushed Mrs Sibanda in a bid to gain access into a room were votes were being counted. He pleaded not guilty to two counts of assault when he appeared before Western Commonage magistrate Mr Lungile Ncube yesterday.

Mr Ncube remanded him out of custody to June 5 for trial. The magistrate warned Mpala against interfering with State witnesses.

Prosecuting, Mrs Memory Ndlovu told the court that on Saturday at Amakhosi Grounds polling station, the MDC Alliance were holding primary elections for councillors.
“At around 3PM, Mrs Zvavamwe was in the queue to cast her vote when a group of people arrived at the polling station intending to cast their votes. An altercation ensued between Mrs Zvavamwe and Mpala,” said Mrs Ndlovu.

The court heard that Mr Sibanda suffered a bruised shoulder but did not seek medical treatment.
A police report was made leading to Mpala’s arrest. Chronicle


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