Wednesday 23 May 2018


The government has distanced itself from a statement purported to have been made by Finance and Economic Development Deputy Minister Cde Terrence Mukupe that the army will not let MDC-T party president Nelson Chamisa rule if he wins the elections.

In a statement to the ZBC News, Acting Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo said the statement attributed to Cde Mukupe, if true, do not represent the official position of the government and the Zanu PF party.

“In the wake of media reports (“Army won’t let Chamisa rule: Minister”) ascribed to Deputy Minister Terrence Mukupe who is also a Zanu PF candidate in the forthcoming harmonised elections, both the ruling Zanu PF party and its government wish to make it very clear that the said sentiments attributed to the Deputy Minister, if true, are both reckless and most unfortunate, as they do not represent the official position and attitude of the party, government and the Defence establishment.

“Apart from being unconstitutional and therefore against the laws of the land, the reported claims amount to direct contempt of His Excellency the President, Cde E.D Mnangagwa, who is the sole Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces,” said Ambassador Khaya Moyo.

Ambassador Moyo said it is unlawful and improper for party members to make pronouncements that undermine the supreme law of the land and the authority of the Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces.

Ambassador Khaya Moyo added that such pronouncements amount to a frontal challenge to the tenets and practices of democracy as understood and practiced world-wide.


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