Monday 21 May 2018


BUHERA South legislator Cde Joseph Chinotimba has been taken to the High Court over his failure to pay an electricity bill amounting to $43 716. Cde Chinotimba, who is also Zimbabwe’s “Happiness Ambassador”, failed to pay for electricity that was supplied to his farm in Concession.

Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC), a subsidiary of ZESA Holdings, has filed a lawsuit at the High Court claiming $43 716 plus interest, to be calculated from the date of issuance of the summons to the date of payment in full.

The power company is also seeking an order against the politician on a higher scale.
Chihambakwe, Mutizwa and Partners Legal Practitioners are representing ZETDC in the court case.

Cde Chinotimba is said to have entered an agreement with the power firm for the supply of electricity at his farm on account number 2286246.

He allegedly violated the agreement by not settling the bill, resulting in the matter spilling into court. According to the summons filed at the High Court, Cde Chinotimba has either failed or neglected to pay the debt despite demand.

The politician is yet to file his response to the legal claim at the High Court. Herald


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