Monday, 5 March 2018


Former ZIPRA combatants, Cde Headman Moyo and Cde Freddy Mutanda have lashed out at former Minister of State for Mashonaland East, Retired Brigadier General Ambros Mutinhiri, describing him as a sellout, whose traits can be traced back to the time of the liberation struggle.

Retired Brigadier General Ambros Mutinhiri recently quit the ruling Zanu PF party and reports suggest that he is now the interim leader of a new political outfit, National Patriotic Front (NPF), which is largely composed of G40 members, who fell by the wayside during last year’s Operation Restore Legacy.’
After these developments, ex-ZIPRA cadres have jumped in to expose the former Minister’s past, which was unknown to many.
“He is a sellout. During the war of liberation, he took a sabbatical and left the ZIPRA command suckling after the death of Commander, Cde Alfred Nikita Mangena,” said Cde Moyo, adding that the death of Cde Mangena led to the subsequent elevation of the late Cde Lookout Masuku to lead ZIPRA forces.
According to Cde Moyo, at independence in 1980, Retired Brigadier General Mutinhiri was just an ordinary man staying in Makene, Lusaka, Zambia.
Cde Mutanda weighed in saying Retired Brigadier General Mutinhiri and the former president Robert Mugabe are blood related from their mothers’ side.
Retired Brigadier General Mutinhiri reportedly met former President Mugabe prior to his presumed confirmation as the leader of NPF.
“That is the G40 we have always been talking about. It’s now sprouting with Ambrose. It is unfortunate that Ambrose is being used to propel the G40 agenda,” added Cde Mutanda.
Zanu PF Secretary for Information and Publicity, Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo said the decision taken by Mutinhiri is his own and as adult, he will carry cross.


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