Motor vehicle owners will soon realise huge savings as Government reduces road user fees by more than half in a development meant to ensure realistic cost structures commensurate with international standards.
The Sunday Mail understands that Government is ceased with the finalisation of a new fees structure that will see vehicle owners paying $80 for new vehicle registration plates.
Motor vehicle owners seeking to replace the third number plate will fork out $17,50 from $35.
In an interview last week, Transport and Infrastructural Development Minister Dr Joram Gumbo said his ministry is now awaiting release of a comprehensive document with the fees structure from Treasury. “The proposals are with the Ministry of Finance awaiting approval. I cannot say when this will be officialised because it is now up to the Ministry of Finance,” he said.
The initiative is part of the ministry’s 100-day plan and are aimed at promoting the ease of doing business.
Dr Gumbo said it was envisaged that the reduction in the fees will motivate motor vehicle owners to comply with various registration requirements.
Dr Gumbo said increased revenue from the fees will also see progress in road rehabilitation and ensure safe driving. Sunday Mail
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