Tuesday 20 March 2018


A 17-year-old girl from Mberengwa has been arrested after she smashed her three-week-old baby against a dwala and crushing her to death with stones.

The girl (name withheld) of Dhizira Village under Chief Chingoma in Mberengwa went on to make false report to the police that her child had been kidnapped by unknown people.
She was not asked to plead when she appeared before Mberengwa magistrate Mrs Evia Matura facing charges of murder and deliberately supplying false information to a public authority.

Mrs Matura remanded her in custody to March 23. She advised her to apply for bail at the High Court.

Prosecuting, Ms Wadzanayi Shayanowako said the teenage girl, who is also nursing a two-year-old baby, killed her three-week-old baby by crushing her with stones.

Ms Shayanowako alleged that last Tuesday, the teenager took her three-week-old daughter to a nearby bush where she smashed her on a rock before crushing it to death with stones.
She told the court that the teenage mother took six stones which she used to crush the baby several times until she died.

Ms Shayanowako further alleged that after killing the baby, the girl went to Mataga Police Station and made a false report alleging that her baby had been kidnapped by unknown men.

Police, the court heard, carried out investigations and discovered that the girl had killed the baby. — Herald 


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