Thursday, 1 March 2018


Traditional leaders in Mashonaland Central Province say government must push for their benefits to ensure that they have a decent life to earn the respect within communities.
Traditional leaders play an important role in societal development through mobilisation of their subjects within communities.

In a bid to ensure development is fostered by communities, the Zanu PF’s Women’s League met with traditional leaders and their spouses to get a deeper understanding of what needs to be done on the political level.

Zanu PF Secretary for Women’s Affairs Cde Marble Chinomona said it is important to seek the views of traditional leaders considering the impending harmonised elections set for this July.

“We are going to hold elections this year and you as the chiefs have the following of the people within your communities. So we have come to plead for your support. We will do the best we can to assist you so that our beloved country will realise its full potential,” she said.
Zanu PF has embarked on a mobilisation campaign within provinces reiterating to supporters the importance of casting their votes and knowing their polling station to avoid being denied their right to vote.

A number of initiatives are underway to empower citizens such that they actively participate in economic transformation especially through agriculture. zbc


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