Tuesday, 27 February 2018


Seven members of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) were yesterday promoted from the rank of Colonel to Brigadier-General, effective February 16.

Addressing ZNA officers during the investiture ceremony held at Josiah Magama Tongogara Barracks, ZNA Commander Lieutenant-General Edzai Absolom Chanyuka Chimonyo commended the newly-promoted ZNA officers for their hard work and dedication towards their duties.

“I am earnestly confident that you will once again prove to be assets of the organisation and will work wholeheartedly as this promotion came as a result of dedication, hard work, unquestionable loyalty, professionalism, patriotism and commitment to duty that you have displayed over the years,” he said.

Lt-Gen Chimonyo urged officers to uphold exemplary leadership principles and military expertise for the betterment of Zimbabwe.

“This recognition that His Excellency, the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, and the Command Element have accorded you should urge you to uphold your exemplary leadership principles, employment knowledge and military expertise, which you have acquired over your entire service not only for your betterment as individuals, but also for the betterment of our professional organisation and our sovereign country,” he said.

He urged the officers to be always up to the task of expectations from both their juniors and seniors.

“Subordinates will look up to you, while your seniors will expect a lot from you; thus, you should bear in mind that whatever you will be doing, you are doing it for a larger stakeholder base.

“I, therefore, encourage you not to relax in the comfort of Generalship, but to surpass your previous performance as you work in harmony with the entire organisation to fulfil our constitutional mandate,” he said.

Lt-Gen Chimonyo said that promotions come with more responsibilities.
He emphasised the need for officers to master the art of motivating others to work for bigger targets, tighter deadlines and contribute positively towards a professional and better ZNA. Herald


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