Sunday, 28 January 2018


THE Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe (CAAZ) has reinstated passenger service charge and the aviation infrastructure development fund on Air Zimbabwe-issued tickets to improve the ease of doing business.

This means Air Zimbabwe will now be collecting from its travellers the Passenger Service Charge (PSC) and the Aviation Infrastructure Development Fund (Aidef) on behalf of the aviation body.

On November 1, 2014 CAAZ instituted the direct collection of PSC and the Aidef.
In a statement, Caaz said the re-instatement of the PSC and the Aidef follows wide consultations with different stakeholders.

“Following wide consultations and in the spirit of ease of doing business, the CAAZ is pleased to inform the travelling public that with effect from February 1, 2018, all Air Zimbabwe-issued tickets will include PSC and Aidef and the codes CB and XI will appear on the ticket,” said the aviation  body.

It said all Air Zimbabwe passengers who buy air tickets on and after February 1, 2018 will not be required to buy departure coupons from CAAZ. “However, passengers who buy tickets before February 1, 2018 will be required to buy departure coupons from CAAZ,” it said.
Aidef and PSC are payments due to CAAZ and were ordinarily collected by airlines on behalf of the aviation body.

Since November 2014 when CAAZ assumed the role of collecting the PSC and Aidef charges directly from Air Zimbabwe passengers, there have been complaints that the arrangement was causing inconvenience to passengers.

Meanwhile, CAAZ said it has embarked on a global drive to lure back airlines to Zimbabwe and is developing and refurbishing airports infrastructure to meet present demands and standards. Herald


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