Wednesday, 10 January 2018


A Gweru man has been fined $300 for assaulting a fellow imbiber he accused of supporting a “Mnangagwa” who could not be identified during court proceedings at Zvishavane magistrates’ court.

When asked by Zvishavane magistrate Mr Shepherd Mjanja which Mnangagwa he was referring to, Justice Mucheto denied ever uttering such a name. He was eventually convicted for assault and told that failure to pay the fine by February 9 would see him being jailed for four months.

Mr Mjanja further slapped Mucheto with a three-month jail term which was wholly suspended on condition that he does not commit a similar offence. Prosecutor Miss Sheila Mupindu proved that on January 2, Nigel Sibanda (23) was standing on his shop verandah at Lundi Business Centre when a drunk Mucheto approached him.

Miss Mupindu said Muchetu approached Sibanda shouting that he wanted to deal with “Mnangagwa’s supporters”. She also proved that Mucheto hit Sibanda with a beer bottle, leaving him with a deep cut on the face.

Sibanda was medically examined and the report was produced in court as exhibit. Meanwhile, Mr Mjanja also slapped a man with a $100 fine for assaulting his brother during a beer binge. Peter Nyoni blamed his actions on drunkenness, which led to the misunderstanding. Mr Mjanja said Nyoni would be sent to jail for 60 days if he failed to pay the fine. He lamented the increasing number of assault cases in Zvishavane. He said there was a need for the court to pass more deterrent sentences against perpetrators. Herald


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