Thursday, 16 November 2017


ZIMBABWE’S defeated ex-prime minister has returned to the country as politicians eye opportunities for power while President Robert Mugabe is under house arrest.

Morgan Tsvangirai, the opposition leader who was made Mr Mugabe’s deputy between 2009 and 2013 after he saw a surge in support in elections, was on the same plane into Harare as Sky News.

Sky correspondent David Bowden reported that also on the plane were two other government ministers, who were returning to their country from Russia.

It came after the army seized power in the country in what the leader of the African Union said looked like a “coup”.
Mr Mugabe is being detained in the presidential palace, where explosions and gunshots were heard early on Wednesday.

The army said it was holding the president and his wife Grace, but there have also been rumours she had fled to Namibia.

Bowden said: “People are gathering here to see how this plays out and what they can grab from the spoils.”

He added: “As we left the airport there were heavily armed soldiers on checkpoints, checking every vehicle in, and every vehicle out.

“As we moved through the streets driven by a local activist we came upon an armoured personnel carrier full of soldiers who quickly raced out and chased us round the corner as soon as they realised we were filming them.

“We were convinced they might open fire – but they didn’t. It gives you an idea of the tension on the streets here… but it’s a tension laced with expectation.
“People seem to think that something concrete is going to happen. They don’t know what it is but they do know that once it plays out Zimbabwe will not be the same as it has been for the last 37 years.”

Earlier, African Union leader Alpha Conde, said: “The African Union expresses its serious concern regarding the situation unfolding in Zimbabwe.”


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