Skycred was early this year granted warrants of execution
against the MPs’ properties after they failed to defend the lawsuits leading to
the granting of default judgments against them.
The 27 local MPs were stranded after they went on a
shopping spree to Beijing, but missed their flight back home when they decided
to travel further to Guangdong province.
According to the court papers, the MPs, from both Zanu PF
and MDC-T, organised the shopping trip to Beijing, which had nothing to do with
Parliament business, and some of them did not have enough cash, but approached
Skycred for assistance.
Apparently, when the MPs got to China, they experienced
some hiccups in their travel arrangements after leaving Beijing for Guangdong
province where goods were reportedly cheaper resulting in them missing their
flight home.
Upon their return, they were expected to make good their
debt with the travel agent, but for some reasons decided not to, prompting the
agent to approach the court for recourse.
The MPs, who are set to lose their properties are, Lilian
Timveos, Tongesai Mudambo, Jenia Manyeruke, Lwazi Sibanda, Melania Mahiya,
Paradzai Chakona, Sabina Mangwende, Mabel Nkatazo, Vincent Mawere, Nomathemba
Ndlovu, Rorana Muchihwa, Annastazia Kavhu, Bacilia Majaya, Masango
Matambanadzo, Innocent Pedzisai, Ezira Ruvai, Jeppy Jaboon, Ephraim
Gwanongodza, Zvikomborero Ngorima and Ronia Bunjira, who has since passed on.
According to the court papers, Jaboon, Ruvai, Pedzisai and
Matambanadzo owe the travel agent, the biggest figures totalling $1 736 each,
the majority owe the firm $868, while Timveos and Mahiya owe $434 each, with
Sibanda owing $217.
Part of the warrant of execution reads: “This is,
therefore, to authorise and require you for cause to be levied from property of
the said defendant (s) $1 767 together with costs of this execution and pay the
said sum to the said applicants (Skycred) the sum of $1 767 plus 7,5% interest
per month from December 31, 2014 to January 31, 2016 return as required by law
what you have done by virtue hereof for which this shall be your warrant.”
The messenger of court is set to pounce on the MPs any day
after being authorised to do so. Newsday
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