Indeed, it has always been one of our rallying points that
Robert Mugabe’s rabidly corrupt and ruthless dictatorship has ruined the
national economy and trashed the people’s fundamental rights and liberties.
On Saturday, November 18, 2017, thousands of MDC supporters
throughout the length and breadth of the country marched in solidarity with
other Zimbabweans, calling for the immediate and unconditional resignation of
Robert Mugabe. As we joined the veterans of the liberation struggle and
thousands of other concerned Zimbabweans who are completely and justifiably fed
up with Mugabe’s dictatorial regime, we remain resolute and consistent in our
peaceful and democratic struggle for the restoration of constitutional order in
our beloved motherland. Thus, the MDC still fervently believes that the
resignation of Robert Mugabe as the President of Zimbabwe is one of the several
key landmarks on our roadmap to the establishment of a democratic dispensation
in the country. The other key landmarks include, but are certainly not limited
to, the holding of free and fair elections whose result will be acceptable to
all stakeholders and also beyond contestation.
The MDC would like to make it abundantly clear that it is
none of our business to participate in the internal factional fights within the
Mugabe regime. We are not and we will never be part and parcel of the various
factional fissures within the collapsing Mugabe regime.
We always stand on the side of and with the struggling and
toiling masses of Zimbabwe. Thus, any insinuation to the effect that the MDC
has taken sides with any of the various factions within the crumbling Mugabe
regime is totally misplaced and without any factual support. To be more
specific, it is not the intention of the MDC to enter into a coalition
government with any of the Zanu PF factions solely for the purpose of enhancing
and strengthening the factional agenda of a particular grouping within Zanu PF.
As such, Patrick Chinamasa and other like – minded
politicians should appreciate that the MDC is not at all desperate to push the
factional agenda of any particular Zanu PF faction. We are there to protect and
fight for the interests of the generality of the suppressed and oppressed
masses of Zimbabwe. The war veterans are in fact very correct and patriotic
when they argue that we need to create a new political dispensation in
Zimbabwe, which dispensation will be inclusive of the interests of all
Zimbabweans regardless of race, colour, creed or political affiliation. Zimbabwe
belongs to all her citizens and is definitely not the sole preserve of a select
few within any political formation or organisation.
We shall continue to clamour for the establishment of a
tolerant and progressive political culture that respects the views and
interests of all Zimbabweans. Free and fair elections are essential in making
sure that Zimbabweans are able to choose a government of their choice that will
be accountable and responsive to the interests of all citizens.
The MDC will continue to call for the resignation of Robert
Mugabe because this will
definitely clear the way for the total emancipation of
the Zimbabwean people. When Mugabe is out of the way, as he will certainly be
out of way sooner rather than later, we shall continue with our fight for the
total and complete dismantling of all the pillars of oppression and looting
that had become the hallmark of the Mugabe regime. The fall of Robert Mugabe is
not the end but rather the beginning, of the total democratisation process of
our beloved motherland, Zimbabwe.
Obert Chaurura Gutu
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