15:34 – President Mugabe concludes his speech and we receive a vote of thanks from the Midlands Minister of State, Cde Jason Machaya, marking the end of the interface rally.
15:30 – Cde Mugabe explains the VP Mnangagwa poisoning saga.
He says it is unfortunate that some people claim that Cde Mnangagwa was poisoned.
“Even varungu havazvitendi, ndosaka vakaisa Anti Witch Craft Act. Munofunga kuti iye anenge achinzi ndiye anga achida kuuraya mumwe, anonzwa sei iye asina kuzviita. His doctor came and we had over 1 hour 30 minutes at State House, where explained everything to me. He said Cde Mnangagwa has been my patient for over 20 years. He said there is no food poisoning but what surprised us is that he vomited until he could not do so, fainted several times, apo achizvimba nekuzvimba. Chakanyanyotityisa ndechekuti ropa rake rakange ravashoma. Oh anga ava kuenda murume uyu, ndanga ndisisazive.
Now we must build up his strength, his body, he is now fit again, wasimba, he is back asi tichirikuda kuziva kuti zvakambouya sei, tichiongorora kuti hazvichadzoki futi here. But it’s not food poisoning. Nesu zvakativhundutsa chose. Tinorwara tese, miviri iyi inoneta dzimwe nguva, wongonzwa kuti munhu adonha, zvinoitika. Now nemudzimai wake chasara kutevedzera chikafu chaakanzi adye, nyama akanzi asabata, hameno hako kana wanga une mbudzi wotondipa ndinodzidya.”
14:47 – Cde Mugabe speaks in the unity in the presidium: “Kwatakabva kure. Kwatakabva kure takabatana. Arwara ipapo takadai ini, vaVaMphoko naVaMnangagwa, ndini ndarwara, ndinenge ndichitoda kuziva kuti aenda kuhospital, aita sei ikoko. Imi munenge musingazivi izvozvo, muchongoti aroiwa, pane vatisingawirirani navo vekunemamwe maprovinces ndivo varoyi.”
14:39 – “Rambai makadaro, tevedzerai gwara remusangano,” says Cde Mugabe.
14:35 – He thanks the Youth League for organising the interface rallies.
14:33 – After the sounding of the now trademark song from Jah Praizah: ‘Mudhara Achauya,’ which Cde Chipanga says should be played for the President, Cde Mugabe takes to the podium.
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