A 25-year-old woman lost money, meant for her children’s school fees, and other valuables in her parked car, while she was praying.
Hazel Hungwe
was among the worshippers at the Cathedral at the corner of Herbert Chitepo
Avenue and Simon Muzenda Road in Harare when thieves broke into her parked
Nissan March vehicle.
The thieves
used an unknown object to unlock the driver’s door, gained entry and stole
US$1700 cash, a tenth generation iPad worth US$1600, three text books and
particulars which included a driver’s licence, a national Identity card and
bank cards.
provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, confirmed the
“Police are
investigating a theft from a car which took place at a church along Hebert
Chitepo Avenue.
“Total value
stolen was approximately US$3800 and nothing was recovered,” said Insp
Chakanza. H Metro
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