Thursday, 16 January 2025


About five women, who claim they were deceived into making contributions towards a savings club, widely known as mukando, are crying foul after being duped of US$30 000.

They are part of group of 23 women.

Sources claim one member was admitted to hospital after she developed complications as she struggled to adjust to the reality that she had been duped of all her savings.

The women agreed to have a savings club and contributed to the club from January to December 28 last year.

They were supposed to share an amount close to US$30 000 but club leader Ruthy Charlie Mufundisi only provided US$1 200 for sharing when the savings matured.

Ruthy is said to be working with a colleague whose name is Dunior Shahari.

The case has since been taken to the Small Claims Court where it is set to be heard today.

One of the women, identified only as Edna, lost US$4100 in the scheme and has taken the case to court.

Sources claimed Ruthy has been evasive since the day she produced just US$1200 for sharing when the members were expecting to share US$30 000.

The sources said she issued an apology, but it was not accepted by her colleagues.

“The plaintiff (Edna) is claiming US$4100 from defendants arising from Mukando which was supposed to have been reimbursed in December 2024, in terms of what was agreed,” read the court papers.

“The defendants have benefited out of nothing, which is clear lawlessness.

“Plaintiff was introduced to the second defendant by the first defendant, the defendants were on a mission to deceive and deprive plaintiff the sum of US$4100.

“Despite several demands, the defendant refused, neglected to pay leading plaintiff to approach this honourable court for payment of US$4100 plus costs of court.”

Contacted for comment, Ruthy said: “There are some who even posted this issue on Facebook and handisirini ndakaenda nemari, taitamba mukando, tichikweretesana.

“I had my own debt, just like any other member which I failed to pay on the agreed day of sharing the money.

“I acknowledged that I was going to pay them their money and we have some affidavits which I signed, which indicate that ndinenge ndichivapa mari on such dates.

“Vamwe end of this month, March, April zvichidaro.


“Kune vamwe vane chikwereti vasiri inini, vanopihwawo neivavo, inini ndine vandakasainira navo.

“We agreed after ndavaudza kuti zvinhu zvangu zvanga zvakaoma on my side, chikwereti changu chandinacho.

“We went to the police vakachinja nyaya and ivo vanga vanyoresa kuita kunge ndakaba, changu changa chitoriwo chikwereti chakaita mainterest achakaita, ndikatadza kudzosa ndikauya neUS$1200.

“I am not owing 23 people ka inini, I am owing those I have affidavits with,” she said.

She added: “Handina kuunza mari yandanga ndakwereta, even if mukaendesa kuH-Metro kwacho ndokuchabva mari here?

“Chiri kudiwa imari ka and I also reported a case of cyberbullying.

“Inini handina kuramba kubhadhara chikwereti but I can’t be the owner because taiungana tese madzimai, tounganidza mari, ndakatokweretawo mari.

“I am the leader but handina kutora mari kuround, ndakaikweretawo as a member, I was supposed to bring money, but ndakauya neUS$1200 because ndanga ndakaomerwa.

“Handina kuramba chikwereti changu chandakaita and a share was supposed to be US$1900, but mari yakaenda kune mumwe munhu akambouya, tikawirirana , munhu uyu akatouya kumeeting mamembers ese aripo.”

However, Edna, whose case will be heard today in court, said:

“When one is joining, they indicate how many shares you want and I chose to take three shares of which one share is equivalent to US$100.

“I was supposed to get US$4100 after we agreed for 11 months.

“Along the way, I even suspected that something was fishy when we asked for some statements and she failed to produce them.

“So, on the day we agreed to share, she came with US$1200 only and we had a confrontation and it did not end well.

“I ended up getting US$100 and we ended up at Central Police Station in which a docket was opened.

“But we were then referred to Harare Civil Court for small claims.” H Metro


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