Saturday, 28 September 2024


Zimbabwe is establishing three new e-passport centres in the United Kingdom, Zambia and the United States.

Registrar-General Mr Henry Machiri told The Sunday Mail that the e-passport offices will provide convenience “to our citizens living outside the country”.

“We are committed to ensuring that our diaspora community has access to essential documents without undue hardship,” he said.

“The e-passport office at the Johannesburg consulate in South Africa commenced processing of e-passports on June 18, 2024. As at September 20, 2024, a total of 6 967 e-passports have been issued. The current fee for e-passports is R4 900 and only payable in South African rand,” he added.

The department, said Mr Machiri, is also planning to extend the e-passport service to Cape Town, South Africa, once renovations at the consulate are completed.


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