Thursday 4 July 2024


The assault case against Zanu PF Masvingo youth chairperson Delight Mandebvu kicked off at Masvingo Magistrate Courts yesterday and was postponed to next Monday for continuation of trial.

The matter is before Provincial Magistrate Franklin Mkwananzi.

Mandebvu allegedly assaulted former Masvingo Mayor and lawyer Collen Maboke, his wife Tariro and a relative Simbarashe Matyei after their vehicles sideswiped each other on March 2, 2024.

The sideswipe happened at the 45km peg along the Masvingo – Bikita road at night. Maboke’s vehicle was driven by his wife. Mandebvu allegedly made a U-turn, pursued Maboke’s vehicle and blocked it after 10km.

Mandebvu disembarked from the vehicle accompanied by several men and they assaulted Maboke, his wife and Matyei who was allegedly struck with a bottle in the face.

The case was initially before Magistrate Elizabeth Hanzi.

The first sitting was on May 8, 2024, and it was postponed to May 21, 2024, after Mandebvu indicated that Masvingo lawyers were shunning him and he needed time to find a lawyer.

Mandebvu said he was not feeling well on May 21 and the matter was postponed to May 28. He did not turn up to court as he was campaigning for the ANC in South Africa.

Magistrate Hanzi issued a warrant of arrest for him that was cancelled later on after his lawyers Machaya and Associates wrote a letter informing the prosecutor that Mandebvu was unable to attend court. Masvingo Mirror


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