Friday 7 June 2024


So a question arises WHY are Zimbabweans so much invested in South African politics but before I answer that question WHY are South Africans  so much invested in Zimbabwean politics? The answer is very simple, you cannot separate Zimbabwe and South Africa. We are tied at the hip. History is instructive.

A third of Zimbabwe is of South African heritage . Many South African luminaries are of Zimbabwean Heritage, the first President of ANC itself was of Zimbabwean Heritage . The ANC has chosen to align with a faction in Zanu PF hence our interest because we have always sought an impartial neighbour and in principle a neighbour should be a neighbour to a Country not to a faction .

Their role in the GPA brokered GNU in 2008 under the Mbeki Government was premised on their impartiality. Zuma  despatched two Security Ministers  to Zimbabwe at the onset of the Coup riding  on that principle of impartiality . Subsequently the Ramaphosa adminstratiom has failed to live up to that expectation . It is what it is.

We pray for recalibration to impartiality because we will always need impartiality from each other as neighbours . It is not statesmanship to entrench divisions in each other 's countries rather seek to unite a people. National Unity  in both our Countries is prime currency . Rushing to bandage each other ' s  festering wounds does not treat anything. He was writing on X


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