Saturday 15 June 2024


The second Vice President Kembo Mohadi (74) has dispelled rumours circulating about his deteriorating health and said he is fit and in good health but old age is now taking its toll on him.

Mohadi said this last Friday at Manama High School, his former school in Gwanda South where he was donating laptops and sport accessories after a severe bout of cough that forced him to take a break from his speech and ask for water.

He looked pale and tired throughout the event

“l am not sick, but I am getting old that’s why l drink water a lot,” said Mohadi.

“Manama High School stands shoulder high to all other institutions in this country because it contributed immensely to the liberation struggle. It is very sentimental for us to be here and it is equally depressing to see that some of the structures here need a lot of touch up. I can’t……….,” he said.

Zanu PF director of information, Farai Marapira said they are confident of their party leaders’ health.

“We are confident of all our leaders’ health. We are not worried about rumours circulating and we are focused on the economy and our mandate to the people of Zimbabwe.

“We will not be moved by public opinion. This is being done by those who were elected but are not focused on their roles and want to tarnish our leaders. As Zanu PF we remain focused on the economy,” he said.

An analyst who spoke to The Mirror on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal said Mohadi is ill and will not resign to focus on his deteriorating health to stay relevant.

“He will obviously not step down because that will be the end of his power and influence. He wants to hold on to his post in every way possible. He keeps a busy schedule when he should give his body ample time to recuperate and rest. What worries me the most is that youth are blindly following these ailing men and will rule when they are also old,” said the analyst.

Former CCC president Nelson Chamisa said people should have a culture of resting and retiring and not perpetuate a culture of collapsing and dying in office.

Mohadi’s health came under the spotlight in October last year after he allegedly collapsed during the Gutu West parliamentary by-election launch leading to the vice presidential personnel to force journalists to delete the videos. He was campaigning for the Zanu PF youth leader John Paradza. The Russian-trained guerrilla was also reported to have collapsed at the University of Zimbabwe while delivering an Africa Day public lecture. He allegedly collapsed while reading and struggled to stand. He finished the remainder of the lecture while seated.

His alleged collapse at Manama was the third after the haggard-looking vice president had a continuous cough before asking for water. Since then his health has come under public scrutiny and debate. Masvingo Mirror


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