Thursday 22 February 2024


TWO Harare men have appeared in court facing allegations of masquerading as CID police officers and committing fraudulent activities.Innocent Chimutsi (44) and Tawanda Marabada (36) were facing two counts of impersonation when they appeared before Harare Magistrate Mr Dennis Mangosi.

They were granted US$100 bail each and remanded to April 4, for a possible trial date.

It is the State’s case that sometime in January 2024, complainant Andsen Patson came across an advert on Facebook where the duo had advertised Certificates of Sponsorship (COS) for the United Kingdom.

Patson responded to the advert because he wanted a COS for his wife who wanted to travel abroad.

The court heard that the duo charged 5 500 British Pounds and a deposit of 4000 British Pounds was made through Patson’s uncle who is based in the United Kingdom.

The parties agreed to pay the balance upon receipt of the COS. After the transfer, Patson received an offer letter via WhatsApp account number +447400352877 and a COS.

However, during the application for a visa, Patson discovered that the COS was fake and efforts to contact the accused persons were fruitless.

The court heard that the complainant never made a police report after he noticed that he was duped.

He tried continuously to contact the unknown accused person on his Facebook account but there was no response.

On February 20, Chimutsi contacted Patson using the same Facebook account and indicated that he was a police detective stationed at CID Frauds.

Chimutsi allegedly misrepresented that he was investigating the matter.

Patson became suspicious since he never made a police report.

The complainant sought advice from Harare Central Police officers.

Chimutsi contacted the complainant in the presence of police officers and demanded US$100 for fuel to go and recover the money.

Chimutsi further demanded a compensation of 500 British Pounds upon recovery of the money.

A bait was made that parties meet at the Monomutapa Building with the US$100, the court heard.

Patson engaged ZRP Harare Central police officers leading to the arrest of Chimutsi who was in the company of Marabada who also masqueraded as a police detective. Herald


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