Monday 12 February 2024


Despite the possibility of recalls for showing allegiance to another political body, several councillors elected on the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) ticket attended a meeting in Bulawayo led by former party members Gift Ostallos Siziba and Moses Chibaya.

Siziba and Chibaya are laying the groundwork for a new political outfit that has gained popularity on social media led by Nelson Chamisa.

Chamisa resigned from CCC last month and people who attended the gathering held at McDonalds Hall in Mzilikazi on Sunday wore blue T-shirts with the words Democratic Alternative in Zimbabwe.

On January 15, 2023, Siziba tweeted that Chamisa is the leader of the Democratic Alternative in Zimbabwe, an assertion he continuously referred to during the gathering, contradicting claims that the new movement will not be led by Chamisa, as alleged by others on social media platforms.

Some of the CCC councillors who attended Sunday’s meeting included Ward 9 Councillor Donaldson Mabuto,  Ward 21 Councillor -Tinevimbo Maphosa, Ward 22 Councillor -Bruce Mmeli Moyo, Ward 26 Councillor -Mpumelelo Moyo and Victoria Falls councillor Ephias Mambune.

The meeting was also attended by some recalled officials such as former Ward 1 councillor Shepherd Sithole, former Lobengula-Magwegwe MP Eric Gono and former MP under Proportional Representation Stabile Mlilo.

Siziba, who was recalled from Pelandaba-Tshabalala, addressed the gathering claiming he would expose those who had destroyed CCC.

“We are here so that you know where we are now and where we are going,” said Siziba.

The former MP accused Zanu PF of trying to destroy the “authentic alternative in the country” but praised people for coming out to show that they “support Chamisa.”

Siziba said some CCC members were fooled by positions in Bulawayo saying that is where “a madman emerged,” apparently alluding to Sengezo Tshabagu who initiated recalls of several CCC MPs and councillors last year.

“In his madness, he was not the only one,” he said, adding that he had brought a “charge sheet” that would reveal the names of those working with Tshabangu.

“Others are trying to revive (the late, MDC leader Morgan) Tsvangirai’s spirit, forgetting that when he was alive, they also troubled him, saying ‘he was uneducated.’ They even planned to remove him from his post.”

Siziba said these same people were back again and “doing the same to Chamisa.”

“I want you to know them so that you are not misled by such characters. They are busy removing people from Parliament. We were not born in Parliament. We were not born in council. Parliament and council is not the destination. The destination is freedom and democracy for the people of Zimbabwe,” said the former MP.

 “That destination is led by Advocate Nelson Chamisa.”

Siziba criticised CCC leaders who claimed they were chosen when the party’s National Standing Committee met in 2019, possibly alluding to Vice Presidents Tendai Biti and Professor Welshman Ncube.

“There’s no such thing as a standing committee in the people’s movement. The MDC is the past, it’s not the future. The future is with Nelson Chamisa and the people,” he said.

“They said they are educated, politics is not about being educated. The school of politics is the people, not to say, ‘I am the VP, I am the one who said this’  and another individual woke up in Harare saying he is the Secretary General (probably referring to Charlton Hwende.” 

Siziba added: “We are facing forward and the president (Chamisa) said it clearly that the CCC is no longer the vehicle that will take Zimbabwe to the promised land.”

“Those who want CCC can take it. People are very clear they want Chamisa, not that VP or that SG. Others want positions and are being helped by Zanu to maintain positions,” said the former MP.

According to Siziba, Chamisa was yet to visit Bulawayo to publicly inform people that he had quit CCC and would direct the plan moving ahead.

“We are paving the way so that people know where we are going and not be lost because there are some who can be lost,” Siziba said.

He also told the people to watch out for crooks in their constituencies and wards, as those individuals would want to come at a later stage, claiming to support Chamisa so they could be voted for.

“We said this vehicle is for everyone but you can’t come and say, ‘put me in charge at the steering wheel.’ What if your spirit awakens on the steering”? You will let down people, so sit at the back and let the train move,” Siziba said. CITE


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